Unholy Slough (Russia) "Unholy Slough" (2017)
Первый релиз группы UNHOLY SLOUGH с дальневосточных болот погрузит вас в бездну сырого, медленного и примитивного дум/сладж/дэт-метала, с оккультно-мистической составляющей.
"Внемли гласу из пучин безвременья... Он пробудился и жаждет огня, и крови, пепла и смерти. Почувствуй ужас, ибо преклонение есть путь к Бодхи!.."
"Listen to the voice from the abyss of timelessness.
He awakens and thirsts for fire and blood, ashes and death. Feel horror, for worship is the path to Bodhi! "
The first release of the Unholy Slough project from the Far Eastern marshes will immerse you in the abyss of raw, slow and primitive death-metal and drone / ambient with the occult-mystical component.
Live recorded demo, 2017.
Some rights reserved. Please refer to individual track pages for license info.
Track Listing:
1. From the Depths 04:42
2. Awakening of Dark Gods 05:28
3. SM 06:04
4. Cremation 04:26
5. Death. Flame. Blood. Ash. 05:12
6. The Devil’s Swamp 06:28
Total Length: 32:20
NarcolepticaDISTRO: www.discogs.com/seller/NarcolepticaProd./profile
Released November 9, 2017 (Digital Format, Bandcamp band)
Releases January 4, 2018 (Cassete Tape Format, Narcoleptica Productions, Limited Edition 30 copies)
Bandcamp band - https://unholyslough.bandcamp.com/
Bandcamp label - https://narcolepticaprod.bandcamp.com/album/unholy-slough
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/unholyslough/
VK - https://vk.com/unholysloughdoom + https://vk.com/unholyslough